in collaboration with Derya Whaley-Kalaora.
This piece is a collaborative audio/dance work which came out of box-time and time-spent with my sister, performed at Boombox over three nights in December. The audio was created only from sounds we gathered/made in the box, each performance worked off of a score while incorporating elements of live recording/mixing.
Recording from night three ---->
Tomato Gossip
in collaboration with Chipo Chipaziwa and Hannah Eriksson.
Using four ingredients to bracket our research (tomato, dough, yogurt and prawns) we talked to the people we usually turn to with food questions, gathering fragments of recipes, stories and life advice. Our research came together as a listening/dining event at What Lab where we shared a small tasting menu and sound installation I developed from our conversations and kitchen recordings.
The original audio was a 75 minute, four-channel installation played live. This video is a trimmed/stereo version feat. research highlights.

^ Photos, Kimberly Ho

^ with special thanks to these three gems: Hannah, Chipo and Brady
What’s your Falim Fortune?
Gif generator coded in collaboration with Malcolm MacDonald.

cite/site is an ongoing series of audio essays piecing
together field recordings, spoken text, voice messages and pop
culture audio. Placing importance on threads of ongoing citation, this series relocates these fragments in an auditory form of place.
The title of the project pulls
on the words etymology and the ways linguistic meaning changes with context and
repetition (“cite” in the capacity of quoting, summoning, re-calling or rousing
to action, and “site” as in location from the Latin situs meaning “allowing to be”).
The first two episodes were first aired on CFRO 100.5 Co-op Radio on “The Soundscape - Cut & Run” show, which can be heard here.
Ep#1: holeness
The essence of hole-ness is an ongoing interest which turns to the tension
arises when we are confronted with a hole, gap or void while searing for
something solid &/or “complete.” This episode is a sonic meander around some
holes and what people chose to do with them. For a full discriptive transcript of this episode, click here.
Works cited:
(if not mentioned, recordings were done be me)
[00:00-8:40] Background through line is the sound of a black hole played/modulated through a MIDI keyboard.
[00:09, 3:09, 7:47] Clips from “Henry Belafonte & Odetta - A Hole in the Bucket (Live)” from Henry Belafonte Television and Video Archive on YouTube. Sampled November, 2022.
[0:22] Clip from “Physics expert explains how NASA got sound from a black hole” from CNN on YouTube. Sampled November 2022.
[00:27] Shovelling at Queen Elizabeth Park. Recorded December 29, 2021.
[00:42] Culvert echo. Recorded March 2, 2022.
[00:53] Clip from “Stretching Belief Part 2” by Baumgartner Restoration, YouTube, Dec 19, 2021. Sampled March, 2022.
[00:58] Clip from Episode 5 “Borehole” of Justin Bennett's soundwalk Vilgiskoddeoayvinyarvi: Wolf Lake on the Mountains on Sonic Acts (2016). Sampled Nov 7, 2022.
[1:29] Digging a hole in the snow at Queen Elizabeth Park. Recorded December 29, 2021.
[2:09] Clip from “Incredible sounds created as an ice core is dropped into a hole in Antarctica | ABC News” from ABC News on YouTube. Sampled November, 2022.
[2:16, 3:45, 6:32] Me reading segments from Holeness by Rebecca Geldard and Andrea Heller while sitting in my “little dark cave” of a fireplace. Recorded November 22, 2021.
[2:45] Clips from "Plugging A Hole In The Dam Part 1" from TexasPrepper2 on YouTube. Sampled November 4, 2022.
[4:09] J reading from Jean-Paul Sarte’s Being and Nothingness (1956) Translated by Hazel Barnes, pg.113. Recorded by Joshua Silicas July 11, 2022.
[5:26] J reading from Devil on the Cross by Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1980). Recorded March 4, 2022.
[5:52] Roadrunner, Wile E. Coyote and “The Black Hole” from Whattunesyouon on YouTube. Sampled December, 2022.
[6:48] Yasmine’s page turns while reading Holeness by Nick Lowen. Recorded in November 22, 2021, edited by Nick in May 2, 2022.
Ep#2: breath
This episode came out of a time when the significance of a single breath in sustaining/taking life had become uncomfortably literal. It’s an attempt at sonic comfort and to find some comedic relief in something seemingly abundant and yet so limited. For a full discriptive transcript of this episode, click here.
Works Cited:
(if not mentioned, recordings were done be me)
[00:00-11:30] Background melody is modulated audio of my mother inhaling played on MIDI keyboard.
[1:05, 2:35, 7:37] “Breath” clip from the opening scene of The Good Nurse (2022). Sampled November 15, 2022.
[2:19] All the breaths my mum took while reading ‘Twas Night Before Christmas just after getting out of the hospital. Recorded December 24, 2021.
[3:49] J, R, K and I trying the Wim Hoff Method. Recorded by Kiel Torres in the spring of 2022.
[5:38] J inhaling Jean-Paul Sarte’s Existentialism and Human Emotions (1957) pg.84. Recorded by Joshua Silicas July 11, 2022.
[6:18] My dog breathing in Lynn Canyon. Recorded February 8, 2022.
[8:54] Clip fromEverything is Alive “Atsuko, Bagpipe” voiced by Atsuko Okatsuka. Sampled August 18, 2022.
[10:34] Me performing Breathby Samuel Beckett (1969). Recorded November 22, 2022.
P.L.U.R.O.M.A SS23 Runway
in collaboration with Hannah Sophia Eriksson for Liquidation World’s spring runway.
Looks by: Hannah and I
Modles: Chipo Chipaziwa and Derya Whaley-Kalaora
Soundtrack by me ----> listen

^ Photos by Marisa Kriangwiwat-Holmes